Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home Alone...

The kids are at Grandma and Pawpaw's house tonight.J and C went to Awana,while the little boys had male bonding time with Pawpaw. Adam is home,and rather bored since he can't really do anything,and the power at the house was out yesterday,so having four children at their house,under five,should liven the place up a little.(haha)Or a lot. I don't mind having the kids gone one night,I'm amazed at all the things I get done.But,at the same time,their empty beds and no little pitter patters in the morning make me so thankful it's just one day. I love being at home with them,truly,and though many people may think having so many little ones,I would be begging for a break.But not really,being home is what I am called to do, serving,loving,tending,caring,training,cuddling,encouraging,disciplining,that is where I find true joy. Certainly I have days where I cry out to the Lord for peace,patience,persevearance,and rest.And I tell you,he answers my crys,and helps me to find joy through my day.He alone gives me the strength I need,truly I could not do it without my personal relationship with my Lord and Savior.Tonight as I write,I miss my little ones,but,am seazing the moment,and have laundry washing,a clean kitchen,and a few moments to jot down my thoughts between loads.;) Don't get me wrong,I have learned that having four children under five means I will never be caught up on laundry,my house will never be perfectly kept,There may be days in a row where I don't get a shower,Almost all of my clothing will have some kind of stain,There will always be cheerios under the highchair,On most days my wardrobe will consist of sweatpants and a t-shirt,and I probably won't be able to go to the bathroom by myself for atleast another two years,but that's okay,because I have learned a huge life lesson through being a mommy...

life is not about me

I realize this totally goes against current culture. True joy and fullfillment comes when one pours them self out in service,and God has placed me in my family to serve them.Think I am crazy?yes? I do not consider myself a wellspring of knowledge on this subject,for I myself am learning daily about what it truly means to be a mother,and child of the King.I recently finished a book that I highly reccomend, "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God." By Jennie Chancey and Stacey McDonald.Read it,and then come back and tell me your thoughts!

I have to be honest with you,it's a daily struggle for me to not "dwell on the "me" thoughts".The woe is me mentallity is difficult to combat,only dwelling upon scripture is how I keep my focus off of the worldy desires of my flesh and upon the desires of God's heart.This verse is one that encourages me daily,and helps me keep my eyes on My Lord,and serving my family.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9
5 “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. 8 “You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 9 “You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Pray for Adam please! Thursday he went to Indy to a regular check up appointment,and to talk about scheduling the big surgery to remove all the plates in his right hand and left finger.But plans quickly changed when they took x-rays and found infection in the bone of his left hand.He had surgery and they cleaned the wound,and removed the infected bone.Please pray the infection has all been removed,that it heals well,and that Adam would have peace and patience as this moves his surgery back for his right hand.Thanks friends!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"E" and "NO WAY"...

I just had to share this.As most of you know our third born Elliott has some developmental delays. He is doing so well,and has come a long way! His verbal skills are so much better,in fact,he is now putting together his own sentences not just repeating what everyone else says. Well,his new favorite thing to say is .....

Everything is


Clara the other day showed him her bitty baby and said "She came from Chicago" and Elliott said "NO WAY!", we all got a good laugh out of that.

Then I asked him to help clean up the basement,and he sat on the stairs,crossed his arms and said

"No Way,I too wittle (little)".

I have to admit I could not control my laughter.I did tell him through the laughter that we do not say no to mommy,and then he said "awright",and began cleaning up.It's not as though he was trying to be naughty,more like he just thinks it's cool to say "NO WAY!".

Now you should all know what I mean when I say "sometimes Elliott's "cuteness" just consumes me!!!!!".

His Therapy is going great,and he is always asking, "mmmm heaher oming daday?" (Mrs.Heather Coming today?) or "mmm Zata oming daday?" (Mrs.Kathy Bazata coming today).He likes saying Mrs.Bazata,as opposed to her first name Kathy,I think, he thinks Bazata is a cool name.So,if you two are reading,let it be known,Elliott asks for you E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.! ;)

Currently he is sitting in the play room playing with his construction toys.That alone is a huge milestone,as he always needed mommy to encourage pretend play,or one of his bigger siblings.We are so thankful for our happy,sweet,funny,special needs Elliott. Really,don't we all have special needs? He just gets to claim more than the rest of us :).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pictures and Update...

Hello All!
We had new pictures taken last week and thought we would share them with all of you.Riley is almost walking now,so that meant four little ones who can run away!Needless to say family pictures are always exciting! Hope you all like the new layout too,it was time for a change!