July 11th 2003
On this day six years ago I married my prince charming.We rode off in a little carriage the sun setting behind us,and I remember looking at him exclaiming
"Can you believe it?!We are married?!"
I love him ever so much,and am so thankful for my husband.Though we have had our fair share of struggles,no doubt.It's easy to look at a blog of pretty pictures,and perfect layouts and think...
"wow,they have it all together".
We Don't.
Only by Gods grace and love have we made it this far,and we look to Him for our future.We both love eachother dearly,and choose to love eachother though the valleys.And are thankful for the glipses from the mountain tops.
I just gotta brag on my man for a minute...My sweet,thoughtful and totally over the top hubby surprised me to two second row tickets to a concert,of one of my favorite artists, in October, in Indianapolis.
I can't wait!
I was SO surprised,and he knows how much I love shopping,and has told me that we will go shopping on Saturday of that weekend.That is truly a gift from the heart...seeing as my husbands favorite passtime is not shopping.
(he even already has a babysitter for the kids lined up!)
Thanks honey for being a loving and supportive husband, I love you SO much!
oh and...
"Can you believe it,we are STILL married!" lol :).

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